The Benefice of:

The Brickhills &
Stoke Hammond


Revd John Waller
The Rectory
10 Pound Hill 
Great Brickhill
Milton Keynes
MK17 9AS
Tel: 01525 261062

Events at Great Brickhill

Details of Events in Great Brickhill for 2013:-

# For a fuller report of some of the events below, go to the sub-pages of the "Events in GB" page
in the "GREAT BRICKHILL" section.



Date, Time &
Details / Contact Report / Results
Coffee Morning Saturday
19th January
in the Church

A Coffee Morning in the Church
to thank all the volunteers who
helped with the running of the
various aspects of life of the
church in the village.

Snow Drop Walk

Sundays, 17th
& 24th February
2.00 - 4.00pm

Annual Snowdrop Walk in Great Brickhill with refreshments
available in the Church.

A total of £1,558
was raised in aid
of running costs
of the Church

Plant Fayre Saturday
6th April
in the Parish
Hall from
12.00 - 4.00pm
The annual Plant Fayre with
stalls hired by a number of
local nurserymen.
Refreshments available.

There were 305
visitors to the Plant
Fayre which raised
a total of:- £2,161.15

Church &

20th April, 10.00am

All help would be much
appreciated to give the
Church and Churchyard
a spring tidy-up.

Annual Church
23rd April
in the Church
at 7.30pm
The Annual Church Meeting
including elections to the P.C.C.
For full details, go to the "Annual
Church Meeting" page in the "Great Brickhill" section.
# See separate
page for full details
of the Meeting and
to download Annual Report etc.
Double Concert Fundraiser Saturday
11th May
in the Church
at 7.30pm
The concert will feature Launton
Handbell Ringers and Cheryl Hawkins’ “Talents to Amuse”.
The tickets are FREE - donations
towards the restoration work will
be requested.

The magnificent sum
of £1436 was raised
for the restoration
of the Church Organ


Details of Events in Great Brickhill for 2012:-

# For a fuller report of some of the events below, go to the sub-pages of the "Events in GB" page
in the "GREAT BRICKHILL" section.


Date, Time & Location Details / Contact Report / Results
Snow Drop Walk Sundays
19th & 26th
2.00 - 4.00pm
Annual Snowdrop Walk in Great
Brickhill with refreshments
available in the Church.
The Snowdrop Walk scheduled for 12th February was postponed due to snow. The Walks took place on 19th & 26th February.

A total of £1,386 was raised in aid of running costs of the Church

Plant Fayre Saturday
14th April
The Parish Hall
12.00 - 4.00pm
The annual Plant Fayre with stalls
hired by a number of local nurserymen.
Refreshments available.
There were 579 visitors to the Plant Fayre, which raised a total of £2,934.77

Church & Churchyard

Saturday 21st April, 10.00am All help would be much appreciated to give the Church and Churchyard a spring tidy-up.  
Annual Church
24th April
in the Church
at 7.30pm
The Annual Church Meeting
including elections to the P.C.C.
For full details, go to the "Annual Church Meeting" page in the "Great Brickhill" section.
# See separate page for full details of the Meeting and to download Annual Report etc.
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Sunday
3rd June
Special service of sung Holy Communion
followed by a ceremonial tree planting in the churchyard.
Bucks Historic Churches Walk and Ride Saturday 8th September,
10.00 - 6.00pm
Details available on the bookcase near the church door.  Or contact Rosie Dawson:-
Followed by a barbeque at Claremont, Ivy Lane at 6.00pm - if interested contact:
Half the prcoeeds go to Bucks Historic Churches Fund and half to the general running costs of the church.
Total raised for the church = £287
Shoeboxes for Romania

Throughout the summer and

Shoeboxes are filled, ready to be taken for distribution to children by Link Romania 51 boxes were
filled in 2012:-
48 family boxes
and 3 for the elderly
Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 28th September
Great Brickhill
Cricket Club
Macmillan Coffee Morning - come and support the World's Biggest Coffee Morning
10.30 - 12.30pm
A total of £1153.24
was raised
Barn Dance Saturday 6th
October, 7.30pm
Annual village Barn Dance at Rectory Farm. Tickes are £13.50 to include a Fish & Chip Supper and live band.
Contact:- Linda Woodhouse (07795 542169) or Julia Turner (261213) or
Proceeds shared between the Cricket Club and the Church. £454 raised for the Church including £189 from the Raffle.
Christmas Fair Saturday 24th
11.00am - 2.00pm.
St Mary's Christmas Fair at the Parish Hall.
Come and start your Christmas shopping and meet Father Christmas and your friends. Cakes, cards & craft stalls. Children's secret gift & wrapping area.
Refreshments and much more. Proceeds to the church. Entrance £1.
For poster:
Click Here

£1649 was raised towards the general running costs of the church.
Charity Evensong Sunday 9th December
Charity Evensong in aid of Willen Hospice. At the end of the service "A Year At Willen", a short talk by Revd Steve Barnes. Followed by an organ recital by Paul Dickens, and mulled wine and mince pies. For poster:
Click Here

Total - see item below
Christmas Greetings Card Tree Advent Donations from the Christmas Greetings Card Tree will be added to the Charity Evensong proceeds and sent to Willen Hospice. The total sent to Willen Hospice from the Charity Evensong and the Christmas Greetings Card Tree was £1063
Sponsor a Light During Advent and Christmas - outside lights on the Church tower and path Dedication Forms available just
inside the Church - the messages
are transcribed into the Commemoration Book
£95 raised for
St Mary's 2000
Carol Singing around the village Saturday 15th December
4.00 - 7.00pm:- Meet at the Three Trees at 3.50pm
Phillipa Cook
01525 261521
A collection of £374 was made in aid of general Church funds


Details of Events in Great Brickhill for December 2011:-



Date, Time & Location Details / Contact Report / Results
Special Family Service

Sunday 23rd January, 11.00am

Theme of Service:- "Special People,
Special Things". What is special
to you? Could you bring it to the
service with you?  Children, families,
people of all ages very welcome.

Snow Drop Walk Sunday 27th February & Sunday 6th March
2.00 - 4.00pm
Annual Snowdrop Walk in Great Brickhill with refreshments available in the Church.
In aid of general church funds.
# See separate sub-page.
£1164 raised over the two weekends.

Church & Churchyard

Saturday 2nd April, 10.00am All help would be much appreciated to give the Church and Churchyard a spring tidy-up before tomorrow's Mothering Sunday service.  
Plant Fayre Saturday 9th April
The Parish Hall
12.00 - 4.00pm
The annual Plant Fayre with stalls hired by a number of local nurserymen.
Refreshments available.
For details:-  Click Here
£2411 raised in aid of St Mary's Church
Annual Church Meeting Thursday 14th April
in the Church
at 7.30pm

The Annual Church Meeting including annual elections. For full details, go to the "Annual
Meetings & Reports" page in the GB section.

# See separate page for full details of the Meeting and to download Annual Report etc.
Music in the Brickhills Concert Sunday 8th May
All Saints Church,
Leighton Buzzard
at 7.30pm
Mozart Requiem
Go to "Music and Choir" section for more details
In aid of Alzheimers Society & All Saints Church Fund
Music in the
Brickhills Concert
Saturday 21st May
Great Brickhill Church
at 7.30pm
Mozart Gran Partita plus Kaznowski
String Quartet
Go to "Music and Choir" section for more details
In aid of Macmillan Nurses
A Walk in the Countryside and a Farmhouse Breakfast Saturday 9th July
at 7.30am
Meet at Rectory Farm at 7.00am. To book your place - Tel: 01525 261213  or e-mail:
£250 was raised for the general fabric Church funds
Bucks Historic Churches Walk and Ride Saturday 10th September,
10.00 - 6.00pm
Details available on the bookcase near the church door. For those who would like to join others on a bike ride or walk, meet at the Church at 10.30am.
Followed by a barbeque at Claremont, Ivy Lane at 6.00pm - if interested contact:
Half the prcoeeds go to Bucks Historic Churches Fund and half to the general running costs of the church.
Total raised to date = £215
Handel's Messiah Sunday 25th September
Time: 7.30pm
Great Brickhill Church
The fifth annual performance of
Handel's Messiah with the Brickhills
Choir and local orchestra. For enquiries and tickets contact:-
In aid of Willen Hospice and St Mary's Church.
Total raised to date = £3,505
Shoeboxes for Romania Throughout the summer and autumn Shoeboxes are filled, ready to be taken for distribution to children by Link Romania 61 boxes were
filled in 2011
Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 30th September
13 Holts Green
Great Brickhill
Macmillan Coffee Morning
10.30 - 12.30pm
A total of £1,304
was raised
Harvest Service and Lunch Sunday 2nd October

11.00am Harvest Holy Communion followed by Harvest Lunch in The Parish Hall. For poster giving more details:- Click Here

Barn Dance Saturday 8th October 7.30pm Barn Dance at Rectory Farm.
Tickets £12.50 incl Fish & Chip Supper. For poster giving more details:- Click Here
In aid of the Church,
the Cricket Club and High Ash School
"Spirit of Christmas" Bazaar Friday 25th October

9.00am - 1.00pm in the Church. A chance to do some Christmas shopping while enjoying good company and a cup of coffee.

£1806 raised in aid of General Church Funds
Donations to:
Magical Taxi Tour
Activities & events during Advent Collection and donations from the Charity Evensong on Sunday 11th December, plus donations from the Christmas Greetings Card Tree
(The money raised will go to the 2012 trip to Disneyland for children with life threatening illnesses)
Total sent to Magical Taxi Tour = £339
Sponsor a Light During Advent and Christmas - outside lights on the Church tower Dedication Forms available just
inside the Church - the messages
are transcribed into the Memorial Book
£175 raised for
St Mary's 2000
Carol Singing
around the
Saturday 17th December
4.00 - 7.00pm:- Meet at the Three Trees at 3.50pm
Phillipa Cook
01525 261521
A collection of £230 was made in aid of general Church funds
The Nativity

Sunday 18th December, 2.00pm
at the bottom of
Pound Hill

An open air re-enactment of the Nativity  


Details of Events in Great Brickhill for December 2009 and for 2010:-


The Bishop, Rector and Churchwardens
         The Bishop of Buckigham, the Rector and the Churchwardens
         at the Dedication of the Bells Service on Sunday 17th October

 # For a fuller report of some of the events below, go to the sub-pages of the "Events in GB" page
in the "GREAT BRICKHILL" section.


Date, Time & Location Details / Contact Report / Results
Shoeboxes for Romania Autumn through to early December Shoeboxes are filled, ready to be taken for distribution to children by Link Romania # See separate sub-page & photo
Christmas Coffee Morning Friday 4th December
10.30 - 12.30pm in the Church
Rosie Dawson
A total of £588.45 was raised towards the general running costs of the church
Sponsor a Light on the Christmas Tree During Advent & Christmas outdoor lights at the Church Dedication Forms available just inside the church A total of £55 was raised in aid of St Mary's 2000
Christmas Greetings Tree During Christmas period "Christmas Card Tree" in the Church Donations in lieu of sending individual Christmas cards Envelopes and tree by the bookcase in the church # £260 was raised in aid of Nuevo Reto, an orphanage in Guatemala. See separate sub-page & Photos.
Carol Singing around the Village Saturday 19th December
4.00 - 7.00pm:- Meet at the Three Trees at 3.50pm

Phillipa Cook
01525 261251

A collection of £213.91 was made in aid of general Church funds
The Nativity Sunday 20th December
The grounds of the Parish Hall / Cricket Club at 11.30am
An open-air enactment of The Nativity See photo gallery in the "Photos" section.
For report as a PDF file:-
Click Here
Snow Drop Walk Sunday 28th February
& Sunday 7th March
2.00 - 4.00pm
Annual Snowdrop Walk in Great Brickhill with refreshments available in the Church.
(Due to the atrocious weather on the first Sunday, the walk was repeated on the following Sunday).
See photo gallery in the "Photos" section.
Over £1000 was raised for the running costs of the Church
Planning Meeting for Special Family Service Tuesday 9th March
The Rectory at 8.00pm
An Open Meeting to plan the Special Family Service on Palm Sunday, 28th March  
Visit to Appletons Bellhangers

Saturday 13th March

A visit to the workshops of Whites of Appleton in Abingdon to see the bells being assembled in the new bell frame # See separate sub-page for details of visit and photos of the new bell frame
Special Family Service Sunday 28th March
A Special Family Service for Palm Sunday. There was an opportunity to make plams and process through the church. There was a dramatised reading of the Passion with everyone invited to take part.  
Restoration of the church bells October 2009 through to Spring 2010 The bells were taken away to be restored in October. After work to the tower and bell frame the 6 bells will be re-hung along with 2 new bells  A photo gallery appears in the "Photos" section
Plant Fayre Saturday 10th April
The Parish Hall
12.00 - 4.00pm
The annual Plant Fayre with stalls hired by a number of local nurserymen.
Refreshments available.
# See separate sub-page for full details, and also the photo gallery.
£2270 raised in aid of St Mary's Church
Annual Church Meeting Thursday 22nd April
in the Church
at 7.30pm
The Annual Church Meeting including elections to the P.C.C.
Go to the "Annual Church Meeting" page in the "Great Brickhill" section for full details of the Meeting and Agenda etc.
# See separate page for full details of the Meeting and to download Annual Report etc.
Music in the Brickhills Concert Sunday 9th May
Time: 7.30pm
Great Brickhill Church
A Music in the Brickhills concert at Great Brickhill church including Rutter's Gloria and a Bach's Cantata. More details in the "Music and Choir" section. For enquiries and tickets contact:-
A total of £1374 was raised in aid of St Francis Society (MK) and Great Brickhill Church

A Moveable Feast

Saturday evening, 19th June
The Parish Hall

A Midsummer Evening of eating, drinking and convivial company around the Parish. Primarily a social evening with the hope of raising some money for the Church.
Everyone is invited!
# See separate sub-page for full details
From the ticket sales over £600 was raised for Church running costs
Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 24th September
13 Holts Green
Great Brickhill
Macmillan Coffee Morning
10.30 - 12.30pm
£1331 was raised!
Handel's Messiah Sunday 3rd October
Time: 7.30pm
Great Brickhill Church
The fourth annual performance of
Handel's Messiah with the Brickhills
Choir and local orchestra. For enquiries and tickets contact:-
Over £4100
was raised
in aid of Willen Hospice
Church & Churchyard Tidy-up Saturday 9th October
Time: 10.00am

All help would be much appreciated
to give the Church and Churchyard
an autumn tidy-up before next
weekend's Harvest and Bells

Harvest & Bells
Sunday 17th October:
Great Brickhill Church
9.30am:  Harvest Holy Communion
2.15pm:  Ringing of the Bells
3.00pm:  Service of Re-dedication
                of the bells led by the
                Bishop of Buckingham.
                Followed by Harvest &
                Bells Tea Party.
For a report, go to the "Bellringing" page in the "Great Brickhill" section.
There is a  photo gallery in the "Photos" section.
for Romania
Throughout the summer and autumn Shoeboxes are filled, ready to be taken for distribution to children by Link Romania
#  See separate sub-page for details
71 boxes were
filled in 2010

Sponsor a
Light on the
Christmas Tree

During Advent &
Christmas outdoor
lights on the tree
at the church
Dedication Forms available just
inside the Church - the messages
are transcribed into the Memorial Book
A total of £110
was raised in
aid of St Mary's 2000
Donations to
Nuevo Reto
Orphanage in
Activities & events during Advent Collection from Sunday 12th December "Evensong for Kay" and donations from Christmas Greetings Card Tree Total sent to Nuevo Reto = £912
See separate sub-page and photo gallery in the "Photos" section
Carol Singing
around the
Saturday 18th December
4.00 - 7.00pm:- Meet at the Three Trees at 3.50pm

Phillipa Cook
01525 261251

N.B.  Due to heavy snow, postponed until Tuesday 21st December, 7.00-9.00pm

A collection of £235.35 was made in aid of general Church funds
The Nativity

Sunday 18th December, 2.00pm
at the bottom of
Pound Hill

An open-air re-enactment of the Nativity  




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