The Benefice of:

The Brickhills &
Stoke Hammond


Revd John Waller
The Rectory
10 Pound Hill 
Great Brickhill
Milton Keynes
MK17 9AS
Tel: 01525 261062

Lent Courses 2013


The Brickhills and Stoke Hammond

Lent 2013


To download a flyer giving all the Lent Course information:-  Click Here



A Series of Talks

Sandwich lunch at 1.30pm in the New Room at the Parish Hall, followed at 2.15pm by a series of talks by the Rector, finishing with a cup of tea at 3.00pm.  No charge for lunch – donations for a chosen charity are welcome.

Please contact Christine Agambar by the Thursday if you wish to have lunch on the following Thursday:- 
TEL: 01525 261257

Week  1:   21st February     The Season of Lent

The traditions and customs of Lent, and their value for us today

Week  2:   28th February     The Ten Commandments

Their place in the Christian tradition, and their relevance for today

Week  3:   7th March   Prayer

The different aspects of prayer, and ways of praying

Week  4:   14th March Praying for Healing

The issues raised by prayer of intercession, especially when we pray for  healing

Week  5:   21st March Holy Communion

The history and traditions that have shaped our liturgies for Holy Communion


(2).  GREAT BRICKHILL -  Wednesday Evenings, 8.00 - 9.30pm

Weeks  1, 3 & 5 at:-  Green Farm, Stoke Lane (Phillipa Cook)

Weeks  2 & 4 at :- Claremont, Ivy Lane (Simon & Juliet Bennet)


(3).  STOKE HAMMOND -  Tuesday Afternoons, 2.00 - 3.00pm

At the SH Sports Club, Bragenham Side, MK17 9SB

N.B.  A late change - the session on Tuesday 5th March will now be held at The Birches, Church Road, Stoke Hammond


Bible Readings for Lent Discussion Groups

The discussion groups will explore the readings for the Holy Communion services on the preceding Sunday – concentrating on the gospel reading, but including all three.

Week  1:    Testing in the wilderness

(the week following 17th February, 1st Sunday of Lent)

Deuteronomy 26. 1-11;   Romans 10. 8b-13;   Luke 4. 1-13


Week  2:    Sorrow for God’s people

(the week following 24th February, 2nd Sunday of Lent)

Genesis 15. 1-12, 17-18;   Philippians 3. 17 – 4. 1;   Luke 13. 31-35


Week  3:    The call to repent

(the week following 3rd March, 3rd Sunday of Lent)

Isaiah 55. 1-9;   1 Corinthians 10. 1-13;   Luke 13. 1-9


Week  4:    The story of a father and his two sons

(the week following 10th March, 4th Sunday of Lent and Mothering Sunday)

Exodus 2. 1-10;   2 Corinthians 5. 16-21;   Luke 15. 1-3, 11b- 32


Week  5:    The offering of love

(the week following 17th March, 5th Sunday of Lent (called Passion Sunday)

Isaiah 43. 16-21;   Philippians 3. 4b-14;   John 12. 1-8


All are welcome at any of the sessions at any of the three locations.  

For more information contact:-

Phillipa Cook:-   01525 261521

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