LENT 2017
To download a PDF file of the 2017 Lent Course Leaflet and the weekly Lent Course flier, click on the relevant link below:-
Lent Week Leaflet Week 1 Flier Week 2 Flier Week 3 Flier Week 4 Flier Week 5 Flier
The LENT COURSES start the week beginning 6th March:-
The Sunday readings and theme for the services during Lent will form the subject for the Lent Group the following week - the theme will focus on particular bible stories based on journeys /pilgrimages.
The books of the Bible include many stories of journeys and meetings - often meetings with God that change people's lives in ways that they had never expected. In this course we will explore a variety of these stories, and seek to discover what impact they have on our journey of life and faith.
Week 1. JACOB: Struggling with God
(Genesis 32: 22-30; Acts 9: 1-9; Luke 18: 1-8)
Week 2. MOSES: Standing on holy ground
(Exodus 3: 1-15; Hebrews 3: 1-6; John 6: 25-35)
Week 3. ISAIAH: Who will go for us?
(Isaiah 6: 1-8; Romans 12: 1-6a; Luke 5: 1-11)
Week 4. MARTHA & MARY: One thing is needed
(Genesis 18: 1-10a; James 2: 1-5; Luke 10: 38-42)
Week 5. BARTIMAEUS: What do you want me to do for you?
(tba ... plus Mark 10: 46-52)
Evening Benefice Course, 8.00 - 9.30pm:-
Wednesday 8th March - Green Farm, Stoke Lane, Great Brickhill
Wednesday 15th March - The Stables, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill
Thursday 23rd March - Driveside, 74a Station Road, Bow Brickhill
Thursday 30th March - The Birches, Church Road, Stoke Hammond
Wednesday 5th April - Green Farm, Stoke Lane, Great Brickhill
Also Afternoon Course at Stoke Hammond, 2.00pm:-
Tuesdays:- March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th & April 4th
( at The Birches, Church Road, Stoke Hammond )
For further details contact the Rector:-
01525 261062 rector@brickhillschurches.org.uk