The Benefice of:

The Brickhills &
Stoke Hammond


Revd John Waller
The Rectory
10 Pound Hill 
Great Brickhill
Milton Keynes
MK17 9AS
Tel: 01525 261062

Lent Courses 2015

The Brickhills and Stoke Hammond

LENT  2015

The LENT COURSES start the week beginning 23rd February.                       

There is a choice of three sessions for each week. All will be welcome to join in any of the sessions at any of the venues.


Bible Studies at Stoke Hammond on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 2pm at The Birches, Church Road, Stoke Hammond.  For details contact John Bowler:-  01525 270202


 (1).  Wednesdays, 8.00 - 9.30pm:- 

25th February at Green Farm, Stoke Lane & 18th March at Old Farm, Ivy Lane.

The Bible Group that has been running since the end of last year’s “The Bible Course” meet on a monthly basis. The group will be expanded to welcome all who would like to attend the meetings during Lent. The topics to be discussed will be given in the Pew Sheets prior to each meeting.

(2).  Thursday afternoons at 1.45pm

Subject “The Bible Course”.  The highly successful course that was run in the evening last year is being repeated. It is somewhat of a race through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, giving an overview of 'His Story'. Each session lasts 1½ hours and includes DVD talks followed by discussion.

The first session is an overview and there are then eight weekly sessions - the later ones will be held after Easter, dates to be decided.

The Lent dates and venues are:-

26th February:-  2 Gig Lane, Heath & Reach (Changed to:- Furze Hill, Ivy Lane)

5th March:-    Old Farm, Ivy Lane

12th March:-  Green Farm, Stoke Lane

19th March:-  Roxburgh House, Ivy Lane (postponed until after Easter)

26th March:-  Old Farm, Ivy Lane (postponed until after Easter)  



12th – 15th March between 10.00am – 4.00pm

In The Lady Chapel

St. Mary’s, Great Brickhill


There will be a creative space (drawing paper, colours, post-its, music to listen to, map of the world,

prayer tree and more) to pray during this period.

Take a few minutes or an hour to visit and pray or quietly

rest in this secluded place



PALM SUNDAY, 29th March:- 

10.30am Procession from the bus shelter at the top of Pound Hill, Great Brickhill to the church for a United Benefice Family Service with Holy Communion at 11.00am (including a dramatized reading of the gospel passage)


7.30pm United Benefice Service of Holy Communion, at Great Brickhill

GOOD FRIDAY, 3rd April:-   

Bow Brickhill:-     9.30am Hymns and Readings

Great Brickhill:-   2.00pm Hour of Devotion

Little Brickhill:-    Church open for prayers t.b.c.

Stoke Hammond:-  Church open for prayers t.b.c.

EASTER SUNDAY, 5th April:-

Bow Brickhill:-     9.30am Holy Communion (Revd Peter Green)

Great Brickhill:-   11.00am Holy Communion (Revd Steve Barnes)

Little Brickhill:-    11.00am Family Service with Holy Communion (Revd J. Waller)

Stoke Hammond:-  9.00am Holy Communion (Revd John Waller)



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