( Details of the Lent Course held in recent years can be found in the subsections linked to this page.)
The Brickhills and Stoke Hammond
Lent 2014
To download a flyer giving all the Lent Course information:- Click Here
The 5 week LENT COURSE starts the week beginning 10th March
There is a choice of three sessions for each week. All will be welcome to join in any of the sessions at any of the venues.
Bible Studies at Stoke Hammond on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 2pm at The Birches, Church Road, Stoke Hammond.
For details contact John Bowler:- 01525 270202
Each week of the course will explore the gospel reading from the previous Sunday:-
1 Jesus in the wilderness (Tuesday 11th March)
Matthew 4. 1 - 11
2 Jesus and Nicodemus (Tuesday 18th March)
John 3. 1 - 17
3 Jesus and the woman at the well (Tuesday 25th March)
John 4. 5 - 42
4 Jesus and the man born blind (Tuesday 1st April)
John 9. 1 - 41
5 Jesus and Lazarus (Tuesday 8th April)
John 11. 1 - 45
(N.B. In the fourth week we will use the ordinary Sunday reading, as above – the Sunday service may use a different reading for Mothers Day)
(1). Wednesdays at 7.45pm at Old Farm, Ivy Lane.
Subject “The Bible Course”. Run very much along the lines of Alpha, with 20 minutes DVD talk followed by 20 minutes discussion, then another 20 minutes talk and another 20 minutes discussion, finishing at 9.30pm.
It is somewhat of a race through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, but it gives an overview of 'His Story'. There will be 8 weekly sessions, which will be inspiring however little or much we feel we know about the Bible.
The first session is an overview which stands on its own - you might like to come to that and make your decision to join or not after that.
(2). Thursday afternoons in the Lady Chapel at 2pm
A series of talks, followed by refreshments, and the opportunity for questions and discussion.
Faith and Experience:
Each week the Rector will give a talk, beginning with some personal reflections, to explore our faith in the context of our life and experience.
1 Faith and our story (Thursday 13th March)
How can we see God at work in our own life story?
2 Faith and caring (Thursday 20th March)
What can we learn through the experience of caring for others?
3 Faith in music and song (Thursday 27th March)
Can we experience God through music that we enjoy?
4 Faith in fiction (Thursday 3rd April)
Can reading fiction help us to explore faith and spiritual life?
5 Reflecting on faith (Thursday 10th April)
Are there some common factors and patterns in our experience of faith?