The six-week Lent course will be based on stories of women mentioned in the Gospels from a book by Paula Gooder:-
1. Miriam’s story: “Hosanna” Psalm 118 & Mark 11: 1-11
2. Sarah’s story: “Love your neighbour” Mark 11: 27 - 12: 34 or just Mark 12: 28-34
3. Anna’s story: “Giving” Luke 2: 22-38 & Mark 12: 38-44
4. Susanah’s story: “Offering” Mark 14: 3-9 (and Matthew 26: 6-13; Luke 7: 36-50; John 12: 1-8)
5. Joanna’s story: “The last meal” Mark 14: 12-25
6. Salome’s story: “Until the end” John 19: 17-37 & Mark 15: 1-41
There will be two sessions each week:-
(1). An afternoon group at Stoke Hammond:-
1pm soup lunch and course from 1.30pm to 3.00pm – please contact:
Diane Webber 01525 270409 dianejwebber@gmail.com
Harry Davies 07773 065271 harrydavies470@btinternet.com
(2). Midweek evening sessions across the Benefice at 8pm:
- Wednesday 12th March, The Rectory, Pound Hill, Great Brickhill
- Thursday 20th March, Green Farm, Stoke Lane, Great Brickhill
- Wednesday 26th March, Bow Brickhill Community Hall
- Thursday 3rd April, The Rectory, Pound Hill, Great Brickhill
- Tuesday 8th April, Green Farm, Stoke Lane, Great Brickhill
- Tuesday 15th April, Bow Brickhill Community Hall
All will be welcome to join in any of the sessions at any of the venues. The sessions are independent, and so you just turn up when you can.
For further details contact the Rector:- 01525 261062 rector@brickhillschurches.org.uk
For a flyer giving details of the Lent Course and the Easter services:- Click Here
Diocesan Lent Course 2025
From Ash Wednesday, the Oxford Diocese is again running the “Come and See” Lent course, which this year is looking at Baptism.
Those who sign up receive a short email each day, Monday to Saturday, and on Sundays there is a short video from Bishop Steven. There are separate weekly emails for children and families.
To find out more, and to register for the daily e-mails, go to:-
Information on Lent Courses held prior to 2024 is available in the Archive section:- Click Here